Frequently Asked Questions


We’ve prepared answers to a couple of the most frequently asked questions that should help you get started. We hope that you can find your answer here, but if not, please let us know through the Community Support or the VIP Support (if you’re a Pro license user). We will be happy to answer any questions you may have!


  • Can I run multiple instances of eM Client? Can I have Mail and Calendar in separate windows?

    Starting with eM Client 8, you can open eM Client in more than one instance. So, if you want to have Mail open in one window and Calendar in the other, you can!

    Just right-click any of the left pane items and select the option "Open in New window..".

  • Is there a server-side search for IMAP and Exchange/Office365 accounts in eM Client?

    eM Client 8 can use server-side search for all Exchange accounts and also IMAP accounts whose servers support this feature. This way you can get more complex results quicker without having to download your messages for offline use.

    For IMAP accounts your mail server needs to support these two extensions:

    You do not need to enable any setting for server-side search to work, so if it does not seem to behave as expected, check with your server provider or your admin if these extensions are available for your account.

  • Can I manage all my attachments in a single place? What is the All Attachments view? PRO

    All Attachments View is a new section in the left pane. In this section you can load all attachments from your accounts and messages and easily search for the ones you need.

    This feature is available only to the Pro license users.

    Read more in the Documentation: Attachments 

  • Can I attach large attachments as a link via a Cloud storage like Dropbox, OneDrive or Google Drive?

    Starting with eM Client 8 attachments can be uploaded to Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive and attached to your message as a link. OwnCloud and Nextcloud support was added in eM Client 8.2.

    To use this feature, you need to have either of these apps installed on your device and login to both the app and login again via eM Client when you first attempt to use it. You can also set up the storage providers in Menu > Settings > Mail > Attachments.

    When you attach a file from the Cloud storage folders you will get to decide if you want to insert the file or just the link.  

  • What is a swipe gesture and how can I use it?

    Tap and swipe are two common gestures that allow the user to perform primary actions on their mobile devices. It's like a keyboard shortcut, but instead, you drag the message to the side.
    And you can use the same gestures in eM Client on your touch device.

    You can use left and right swipe gestures in the Message list and in Notes.
    The actions for both right and left swipe can be set in Menu > Settings > General > Swipe.

    This feature does not work on touchpads, it's only for touch screens right now.

  • What is the Favorites feature in eM Client?

    Favorite folders are a set of folders available at the top of your mail folder list.

    The Favorites include global pre-defined folders, formerly known as Smart folders, that unify your accounts' inboxes, sent folders, drafts, etc. They also contain special folders for all unread messages, all messages with a flag, Snoozed emails and important messages that have Watch for reply enabled.

    You can also add your existing folders from any of your accounts to the Favorites, simply drag&drop the folder into this section or via right-click > Add to favorites.

    This way you can have folders that you use often right at hand.

    If you pin folders with the same name into the Favorite folders (for example specific Inboxes) you can rename them. The name change in the Favorite section will not affect the original folder name.

  • Does eM Client support Notes? PRO

    Yes, eM Client supports Notes feature. This feature is available only to the Pro license users.

    The Notes are a new left pane section that you can use. In addition to Local Notes (saved in Local folders), you can also synchronize Notes for Exchange, Office365, IceWarp and other CalDAV accounts, if they have a Notes folder on the server.

    You can create, edit and delete notes, manage them with folders and tags but also forward them as a message. When you forward a note the Title is used as Subject while the body of the note will be used as the message body.

    Please mind that these Note services cannot currently be implemented:

    • Google Keep does not allow access from external apps
    • Evernote plans to shut down the API access for external apps soon
    • iCloud notes - no public API available for access from external apps
  • What are the account avatars? Are these visible to my contacts?

    You can assign an image to each of your accounts during the account setup or change the image at any time in Menu > Accounts. These avatars will help you determine which account your messages belong to in mixed views and search results.

    These avatars are currently only stored locally they are not the same as contact avatars downloaded from the domain or Gravatar.

    To change the avatar your contacts might see when they receive your messages read this FAQ article: How do I change my own email account avatar?

  • What are Tags in eM Client?

    Tags are labels you can use to attach a detail or category to a specific item.
    You can then use this tag to search for these items, look through special tag folders or just use the colors to make your data more organized.

    You can manage tags in Menu > Tags section.
    You can manage tags for all items in eM Client - Mails, Events, Tasks, Contacts and Notes.

    When you create a tag you can give it a name, assign a color and even a keyboard shortcut.

    You can then specify if the tag can be used for messages, events, tasks, contacts or notes or any combination of these.

    If your items are synchronized with a server that supports the tags feature, they will be synchronized across your devices. Otherwise, the tags will be kept locally.

    Gmail labels are treated as Tags in eM Client.

    Note: Tags have been called Categories in eM Client 7 and all older versions of eM Client.

    Read more in the Documentation: About Tags

  • How to search in attachments in eM Client?

    AttachmentName and AttachmentContent keywords have been added to the search in the Mail section of the program, so you can now look for words directly contained in the attachments.

    You can use full text search in eM Client for documents such as Word, Excel, PDF etc.

    In the new All Attachments view (PRO) you can easily sift through the files directly - you can sort through files based on type, account or the item type it was originally attached to.

  • What is the Watch for reply? How can I get a reminder for a message? PRO

    The Watch for Reply feature is a new button available in the toolbar of the New message window.
    If you expect a reply to an important email you can set up a special reminder in eM Client.

    You can either get a reminder for when such a reply is received to draw your attention to it or you can get reminded after a specific time frame that your message was not replied to, so you can reach out to the recipient again.

    After you enable watching for reply a copy of the message will be saved in a special Favorites folder called Unreplied, so you can check which replies you're waiting for at any time.

    You can also disable the reminder from this folder, should the recipient reach out to you via other means and the reminder is no longer needed.

    Read more in our blog: Never miss important emails with eM Client's Watch for Reply feature and in the Documentation: Watch For Reply

  • How can I downgrade back to eM Client 8, eM Client 7 or older?

    Note: These same steps can be used to downgrade from a BETA version to the current eM Client official version - just uninstall the BETA and reinstall current version from the website

    Our databases are not backward compatible for older versions and once you upgrade your database to accommodate the new version, you cannot just simply install an older version over it.

    If you have a backup of your database from eM Client 8 or older you can skip any export. If not, you will need to export local data before the downgrade to keep them.

    For accounts set up with IMAP or EWS protocol this is not an issue, as setting these accounts anew will synchronize messages and folders back from the server.

    For POP accounts and any data in Local folders, export them first via Menu > File > Export and once you downgrade, you can import them back via Menu > File > Import.

    The steps to downgrade on Windows are to:

    • Export any local data you need to keep (Menu > File > Export)
    • Uninstall eM Client 9
    • Either delete the database or rename it
    • Install your preferred older version of eM Client (You can find older versions in our Release history)
    • Restore from the backup (Menu > File > Restore) or create your accounts anew and import your local data back in (Menu > Tools > Accounts, Menu > File > Import)

    If you want to just rename your database, the default location is in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\eM Client

    The steps to downgrade on macOS are to:

    • Export any local data you need to keep (File > Export)
    • Uninstall eM Client 9
    • Either delete the database or rename it
    • Install your preferred older version of eM Client (You can find older versions in our Release history)
    • Restore from the backup (File > Restore) or create your accounts anew and import your local data back in (eM Client > Add account, File > Import)

    If you want to delete or rename your database, the default location is in /Users/User Name/Library/Application Support/eM Client

    If you upgraded by accident and aren't sure if you need to downgrade manually, please see the article on this topic - This version of eM Client is newer than what your current license permits.

  • How to upgrade to eM Client 9? Do I need to pay for it?

    You can upgrade to eM Client 8 by going to Menu > Help > Check for Update or by downloading it directly from our website.

    New/Free users will get a free 30-day trial of eM client 9 with all its Pro features.

    IMPORTANT: Pro users whose licenses are only valid for eM Client 8 and older need to buy a one-time upgrade to Version 9 first, or their program will be in offline mode until they upgrade their license or revert back to their previous version.

    Pro users with Lifetime Upgrades don’t need to make any additional purchases to access Pro features in eM Client 9.

  • What happens after my free 30-day trial of eM Client 9 Pro expires?

    After your 30-day trial of eM Client 9 Pro expires, you can either continue using eM Client on a Free License (with limited functionality) or purchase a Pro License.

    After purchasing a Pro license, simply enter your Activation Key by going to Menu > Help > License.

  • The folder/inbox spacing is too big, can I make it smaller?

    Yes, it's possible to lower the row height or change the font of your inbox by going to Menu > Settings > Appearance > Lists

  • Why don’t your instructions/documentation match eM Client’s interface?

    Previous versions of eM Client had several important features (such as Settings, Operations and Accounts) which were embedded under Menu > Tools. Therefore, a lot of our documentation and help articles written before the release of eM Client 8 in June 2020 have instructions that follow that pathway. With eM Client 8, we promoted some of these frequently used features to just be under Menu. Additionally, some features (such as Categories and Smart folders) have been renamed.

  • Why isn’t the search function in eM Client working as expected?

    The release of eM Client 8 has brought enhanced search capabilities, including searching in the text of attachments and on IMAP and Exchange/Office365 servers. Sometimes though, searching through the mail server does not return correct/expected results, so it might be beneficial to turn off server search and search locally within eM Client instead.

    To do this click on the down arrow v on the right side of the search bar and deselect Use server search if available. Also, while you’re in this search menu, double check that you’ve selected the correct search parameters, such as searching in All folders and searching for your keyword in the Subject, Sender, Recipients, Body and Attachments fields.

    Read more in our blog: Search Like a Pro in eM Client

  • What happened to the progress bar in the bottom left corner of eM Client?

    Most users nowadays have high-speed internet connections and therefore an explicit progress bar for sending messages was no longer necessary in Version 8.

    However, if you still want to monitor the progress of your sent emails and updating folders, you can open the Operations window by going to Menu > Operations.

    If you want the Operations window progress bar to always be displayed as you send and receive messages, you can turn on this feature under Menu > Settings > General > General > Operations Window and select the box for Show window on send and receive.

  • How to remove suggested email addresses when composing a message?

    When you go to type in a name in the To: section, if there is an X button on the right side in the suggestion list, then it can be deleted from the history of recipients via click on that button.
    Otherwise, the unwanted contact must be deleted from your address book or the messages sent to this email address from the Sent folder.

    You can also adjust your suggested recipients list by going to Menu > Settings > Mail > Compose > Email Address Suggestion.

    Suggestions based on messages in Sent folders and Recipients history based on your use in eM Client can be turned off; suggestions based on your saved Contacts cannot be disabled.

  • The meeting/event reminders keep popping up every 5 minutes, how to disable them?

    This is a known issue with some Gmail events and system notifications, you can resolve this by unchecking the Use system notifications box in Menu > Settings > General > Notifications.

  • My eM Client is running very slow since the Version 8 update. Why is that and how can I speed it up?

    We believe that the slowness of the new version is likely due to the attachment indexation and folder syncing. You can try leaving eM Client running overnight so it can complete this process.

    Alternatively, you can run the eM Client application with a disabled indexer by pressing the Windows key and R key at the same time and entering the following command:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\eM Client\MailClient.exe" --disable-attachment-indexer

    (Unfortunately, there's not currently a similar workaround for Mac OS)

    We’re also working hard on fixing the speed issue and bringing you better performance with future updates.

  • Why is it taking you so long to reply to my Support Ticket?

    Generally, Pro Support is only available to Pro License holders for one year after their purchase, otherwise we direct Free users to our Support Forum.

    However, since the new eM Client 8 was recently released, everyone is treated as a Pro user for a month and is contacting the Support Team for a large range of issues. This has greatly increased our number of new support tickets to 100s every day and created a backlog. Some of the issues are bugs that our users have caught and we can pass on the information to our developers to fix and make eM Client better for everyone.

    We’re happy to help you and we promise that your ticket has not been forgotten or lost, but your patience is greatly appreciated during this time.

  • Why are my calendar event reminders in eM Client not working?

    This is likely caused by the system notifications from your operating system. Try going to Menu > Settings > General > Notifications and disabling the "Use system notifications box". Sometimes the system notifications from Windows misbehave and don't work correctly.

    When you disable them, the native notifications for the eM Client Application take over and are more reliable.

  • Uploaded Public Key not Verified

    After uploading your Public Key to eM Keybook, you might have received a message saying:

    Uploaded Public Key not Verified

    Public Key John Doe for email address [email protected] was uploaded to eM Keybook, but has not been verified yet. Should eM Client keep monitoring for incoming verification emails?

    This occurs when you have not yet checked your email to confirm that you would like to upload your Public PGP Key to eM Client. The message you should be looking for is called "Verification email from eM Keybook" and it will be sent from [email protected].

    Furthermore, some email accounts (such as,, or have a problem if checking the message through normal means does not trigger the confirmation.

    The workaround for this problem is as follows:

    1. Right-click on the "Verification email from eM Keybook" message in your list of emails in your inbox and select "Save as" and then save the email as a .eml file.
    2. With this .eml file you exported, go to your file explorer in Windows where you've saved it on your computer and open the file with eM Client.
    3. When the .eml file is open click Menu > Message > Copy to Folder
    4. Choose where you want to save a copy of the message in eM Client.
    5. Navigate to where you saved the file within eM Client, and it should be displaying/working correctly and the verification will trigger.
  • eM Client 9 - How to mark messages as read/unread in the message list?

    This article applies to eM Client 9 BETA.

    With the introduction of Avatars in the message list the behavior of marking message as read/unread and assigning a flag has changed. 

    At first, you see the unread orange dot as usual:

    But if you hover, the Flag option shows up instead so you can easily flag the message in one click.

    The flagged/unread message then looks like this:

    So that means you can easily add or remove the flag in a single click, but this functionality is not available for switching the unread state of the message to read and vice versa.
    Once the message is marked as read, you cannot set it back via the message list icons - only through the mark options via right-click, toolbar button or the keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Q for Read, Ctrl+U for Unread).

    Many cons and pros of having both buttons available and clickable were considered, but in the end, a design decision was reached - the unread dot does not look good when it is not centered with the avatar (and only one icon is shown at the top).
    When trying to display the unread dot and flag only on hover (same way as in eM Client 8) it causes the icons to change positions and may lead users to click the wrong icon by accident. This is why we decided to show only one centered icon in this situation.

    You can also enable the option to "Always show "read" and "Flagged" icons on mouse hover" in Menu > Settings > Mail > Read under the Message List settings.

    If you would like to avoid this completely you can return to the same setup as in eM Client 8 if you disable the Avatars in the message list. 
    Simply right-click the top of the message list and open Columns configuration
    Select the Avatar from the "Show these columns" list on the right and then click the Remove button, which will move it to the list on the left, "Available columns".

  • eM Client 9 - How to disable or resize avatars in message list?

    This article applies to eM Client 9 BETA.

    eM Client 9 introduces contact avatars in the message list, but this can make other details harder to see in a more compact view or on smaller monitors.
    You can easily disable the avatar feature or at least resize the avatars to take less space.

    Resize Avatars:
    Go to Menu > Settings > Mail > Read and scroll down to the Message List settings.
    There is an Avatar size: option which you can set to Regular or Small.

    Remove Avatars:
    Right-click the top of the message list and open Columns configuration.
    Select the Avatar from the "Show these columns" list on the right and then click the Remove button, which will move it to the list on the left, "Available columns".

  • eM Client 9 - How to assign more than one tag at once?

    This article applies to eM Client 9 BETA.

    When you assign a tag via right-click on the message, using the Mark button in the top toolbar, or even using the Tag bar above the message list, the menu closes once you click one of the available tags.
    But sometimes you might want to add more than one tag and this can cause a lot of tiresome clicking around - not anymore. Simply hold the Ctrl or Shift button while selecting a tag and the menu will stay open until you assign all the tags you want and lift your finger off the Ctrl or Shift button.