The Secretariat email office is an electronic service provided by Tamil Nadu Government. It is a website designed for communication with Government agencies. The page is available in Tamil and English languages and offers easy setup with many email clients.
We are here today to offer a guide on how to setup Secretariat email server with eM Client. Please be advised, Secretariat email server only offers POP3 protocol.
- In eM Client navigate to Menu – Accounts
- Click Add account and select Mail and click on Other
- Enter your email address
- Select Pop3 protocol on the next screen and use as your POP3 server, enter your password in the field on the bottom of the screen and click next
- Enter your SMTP server address and click next
- On the next screen your configuration is tested, select next
- See your account details and continue by clicking on next
- You can optionally choose an encryption method on the next screen for better security
- The account is ready!
Do not worry if the account does not go through the test phase.
You only need to navigate back to Menu – Accounts, select your account, and adjust the option in POP3 (force usage of SSL, port 995) and SMTP (force usage SSL/ port 465) window. Do not forget to save the settings.
eM Client is a perfect fit for your Secretariat email office and its benefits are many. It is blazing fast, widely compatible with many other services, and can offer advanced security to further protect your privacy against online threats. It can easily synchronize accounts from various providers into one carefully designed application.
eM Client is also available in PRO version, which come with extra features and one full year of VIP support.