Protection against Spam

Email is one of the most simple and convenient methods for exchanging information and data with others. It is, nevertheless, common to get information or emails with dangerous attachments or questionable remarks. Some email service providers filter and designate such suspicious emails with the word "SPAM" in the subject line or add a spam header to the message to mark it as such, suggesting to the recipient that the email is either junk mail or an unwanted email with questionable content sent to a large number of recipients. When recipients click on links in spam emails, they may be directed to phishing sites or sites that download malware to the victim's computer.

Spam risks and types of spam

  • Spyware: Spyware is software that allows a third party to gather information about your computer's activities without your knowledge. This program may be tracking your emails, usernames, and passwords, making it easy for cyber crooks to access your online bank accounts. It only takes one click on a bad link to install malware. In all likelihood, you will be completely unaware that this has occurred.
  • Phishing: Phishing is a more direct method of obtaining sensitive data such as usernames and passwords. Scammers will ask you for this information by appearing as a genuine source, rather than stealing it from you. However, as previously stated, your expectations are the key to recognizing a phishing attempt, even if the email appears to be legitimate. Are you expecting a message like this? Would you anticipate this company requesting this information from you? Even if the answers to these questions are yes, if you have any doubts, look up the company's contact information on Google and ask them personally if the email is real. They should be able to provide you with a definitive answer. If they are unable to do so, the email should be deleted.
  • Ransomware: Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts your computer or network and holds it hostage. Ransomware can be installed by simply clicking a link or downloading a file. Unlike malware, you'll instantly notice whether you've had ransomware on your computer. You won't be able to use the computer because it has locked all of your files. After that, a ransom letter will appear on your screen or in each of your folders. It will include an explanation as well as a demand for a ransom, generally in Bitcoins. If you are a victim of ransomware, do not pay the ransom. There is no guarantee that your data will remain secure.

Backscatter spam

Backscatter spam, also known as misdirected bounce spam or non-deliverable bounce spam, is a method of sending unsolicited email messages that takes advantage of the fact that some mail transfer agent (MTA) programs will return the entire message to the sender if the recipient's email address is invalid.

The spammer must first obtain or purchase legitimate e-mail addresses for real people in order for the method to work. The spammer forges the "from" parts of their spam emails using these addresses.

Email spam filters

Research shows that about 14 billion scam emails are generated every day, meaning that 46% of emails are spam! That's a lot of potentially hazardous information.

Spam email receivers will be protected by an effective spam filter from potential hazards posed by spam emails. They have the ability to block viruses and phishing assaults.

Spam filters are usually kept and run on the server-side and there are good reasons for that. Rules on the server are applied before any external app’s local filters since that is where the email arrives, so the threat can be dealt with before it reaches any of your devices. An even bigger advantage is that the mail providers have direct access to a large amount of data from different mail servers, so the server can learn and analyze these data and act accordingly to new trends and recognize worldwide email campaigns, marking the spam messages more efficiently.

Blocking spam in eM Client

eM Client has a built-in Spam filter Rule, which looks for headers added by your server to indicate that the message is a suspected spam. If you would like to manually mark a specific sender’s emails automatically as spam, here’s how to do so:

  1. In your inbox, right-click on the suspected message.
  2. Once a menu shows up, hover Move to Junk, and then select Move to Junk and blacklist email or Move to Junk and blacklist domain.