Update about the new version 7. After a holiday break, we're ready to share more details about new features for the new release.

Gmail Label Support
Are you a Gmail user? We have reworked the way eM Client synchronizes with Gmail and your server data. Since Gmail introduced labels, all the labels were synchronised as folders with Gmail. With Conversations however we've decided to make a few adjustments. Your Gmail labels are now synchronised as categories and by assigning the categories, the label will be attached to the message and sorted to appropriate folder. Just as if you were working with your online Gmail interface.
Find your account labels in categories to assign label to email. All your labels will be displayed as if they were regular folders, below your Inbox.
Right click your message and select Categories to apply the label for the selected message or select the items from the message list and select Mark to apply category in the main application window. Messages will be sorted in no time to appropriate label folders, where you can find the labeled messages.
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